Sensory Integration

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At all times, our bodies and nervous system are constantly bombarded with sensation. The ability of our brains to prioritize this information properly is called sensory integration. When there is an issue with this process, many different problems can arise, including ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities and, in severe cases, Autism. One field geared to helping individuals with issues such as these is aptly called Sensory Integration (SI) Therapy. SI therapy can take on different forms, from working with an Occupational Therapist, to neurofeedback (with systems such as Braincore Therapy) to a machine called the Interactive Metronome (IM).

The IM uses a series of hand and foot exercises synchronized to a rhythmic, computer-generated beat. The system measures the patient’s response in milliseconds and uses auditory and/or visual cues to help the patient to improve being in-sync with this metronome. This improves rhythm and timing in the brain, something extremely important in sensory integration. The repetitiveness of the IM sessions helps the brain to create new pathways, or make existing pathways more efficient, improving the brain’s overall performance.

Over the course of treatment, patients learn to:

  • Focus and attend for longer periods of time
  • Increase physical endurance and stamina
  • Filter out internal and external distractions
  • Improve ability to monitor mental and physical actions as they are occurring
  • Progressively improve coordinated performance

IM can help with ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, learning disabilities, improving math, language skills and reading comprehension, overall academic performance, brain injuries, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, sports performance and much more.

Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful with many of these issues because it too helps to integrate the nervous system by removing nvervous interference or negative nervous stimuli. When coupled with IM, the two have a synergistic effect on the brain, creating even better results than either alone.

By Published On: November 1st, 2019Categories: News0 Comments on Sensory Integration

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