reiki energy healing

what to expect

Energy Healing

Reiki (pronunced: “ray-key”); Is an intelligent “Universal Life Force” Energy, that can effectively be used to:

  • Reduce and relieve stress
  • Restore your well-being
  • Achieve relaxation and enhance meditation
  • Increase vitality
  • Accelerate healing
  • Enhance immune function
  • Balance blood pressure
  • Improve sleep
  • Assist in the removal of toxins
  • Balance the flow of energy
  • Promote harmony to help attain inner peace

For the receiver, there is no work to be done, simply relax, receive and feel the energy, possibly as warmth or simply a sense of calm.

Reiki can be shared On the body, Over the body or a ‘Distance” healing session may be sent. During a Distance healing, like tuning into a radio station, or having the password for wifi, Reiki Energy can be sent over time and space, from one location to another.
Reiki has been practiced and shared effectively for nearly 100 year, and is being embraced by many prestigous hospitals and healing centers where it is offered as part of standard care.

According to the American Hospital Association, in 2007, 15% or over 800 American hospitals offer Reiki as part of hospital services.

Monthly Reiki Healing Circles (*usually heal the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm at the Vitality Center) are a wonderful time for You & your friends to join us for an evening of relaxation and healing energies, in person. The evening will include a brief stress reducing meditation, and soothing “mini” Reiki treatments for everyone, in a safe and comfortable setting, joined by like-minded folks. There is a sliding scale “donation” requested of $10 to $20 , or more, depending on your appreciation. Guests are always welcome at the circles, no special knowledge or experience is necessary to experience this wonderful Energy!

Dress casually and comfortably, or come from work and just de-stress.

~ (Individual private Reiki healing session can also be scheduled at the office, see the helpful desk staff for details and pricing.)

Visiting Reiki practitioners (Any school, and level), are welcome to share their gifts with each other and our guests, or just come and receive the goodness of the evening!